Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Night Night

One of my very favorite times is when I get to go take a bath, put on my pajamas, drink some warm milk and crawl into bed!

How I love to torture my parents by wiggling and wriggling all over the place so that is is almost impossible to get my PJ's on me!

Lets do it again... I'm not tired yet!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween is a pretty cool holiday! My mom dressed me up like a pumpkin, which everyone thought was a good idea since my head is round & bald like a pumpkinI even went trick or treating with my friend Travis. We only hit a few houses, but got tonz of candy...Dad liked that part!

Speeking of Dad, when he gets home from work I love to give him a big hug, but then I saw Suki giving him kisses with her tongue, so I thought I should give it a try. Kinda salty & scratchy, I think I wil stick to normal kisses.

Suki, however, loves to kiss anyone that will let her get away with it. (You will notice Mom isn't in any of these photos... I think she thinks dog kisses are grose!)
Look at me jump!!! (These videos are for you Dad, so you remember how cute I am, and come back home soon. We miss you)