Sunday, January 3, 2010

Video time...

Don't worry, Suki wont hurt a hair on my head. In fact one of my favorite things to do these days is chase her around the house, and once I catch up to her I either pull her tail or try to chew on her foot - She promptly growels, which makes me laugh & she takes off to try to find a place in the house I can't get to her. (Not many places left these days that I can't get to her, I summited the stairs today!)

I got lots of great new toys for Christmas; ones that play music, ones that I pull apart & put back together, little ones, big ones, ones with wheels, ones with strings...but it turns out that a $2.99 bag of tortilla chips is more fun than all my piles of colorful toys. :)


  1. Can't wait to kiss those adorable cheeks!

  2. This is priceless, We can't wait to spoil her in March.

  3. We keep going onto these videos because they make us so happy to see how happy she is. It is so special to come home from work and watch these videos! Keep them coming. Love Nana and Pappy

  4. Holy cow... she's totally a redhead. What an adorable little chunky-cheeked baby she is. What a fun age she's at. I bet it's hard not to take videos of every thing she does...
